The Bookish Goddess Returns!

Drumroll, please!
What is up, fellow bookworms? For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Ella! I was known as Maedelle in my previous blog from where I mostly just moved a bunch of my stuff over to here. I’m back, ya’ll! 
I started book blogging in 2016 after attending the Philippine Readers and Writers Festival and being inspired by the book bloggers I had the pleasure of listening to and following ever since. (Check out my PRWF 2016 recap HERE)


Now, you’re all probably asking:

Why is this potato back?

Well, folks, this potato just got back very recently from an AMAZING event where a bunch of bookworms gathered around to share our love for books. That event happens to be the BOOKWORMS UNITE PH YEAR 4 that happened last Saturday on the 21st of July. Honestly, I still have such a huge hangover from it and I’ll be writing my own recap about it soon! Meeting so many bookworms and having the pleasure of going through the event created by the talented hosts of Bookworms Unite PH has truly inspired me to get back to book blogging. Truly, they are to thank for it!

Check out Bookworms Unite PH on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook!


What’s new?

I’ve got some new content for you guys, starting with my recap of the Bookworms Unite PH Year 4 event (coming around tomorrow or so, so stay tuned!) But to list a few:

  • I’ll still be doing my favorite segment, Top Three Tuesday
  • Book Recommendations will come on every few weeks or so!
  • A bi-weekly feature of my Favorite Book Blogger (you can check out the right side to see a select few that I’ve met from the BUPH event!)
  • Improved and more concrete Book Reviews

I’ll probably add more content as I go, so I hope you stay tuned for the lot!



Majority of the posts here at the moment have been reposted from my archived blog. Full disclosure that these things were written in 2016 and at the ripe age of 18,so any mistakes I have made in the past, whether it’s some book reviews that weren’t as constructive, are things I am planning to change as I go forward with the new and improved The Bookish Goddess.

All 2016 content is labeled under archived so you can decipher between my recent ones and old ones. 


Time to close this up

Honestly, it is just so good to be back. I have been busy with post-graduation from college stuff, between my writing and reading, it’s been quite hectic. I’m actually in the process of getting into my first work after graduation, so I can’t guarantee I can be on the blog everyday. But I can guarantee to release content as much as I can! Don’t forget to click that FOLLOW button so you can see my content on your dashboard. :’)

Thanks for reading, and I look forward to writing more stuff for you guys soon!

Instagram: thebookishgoddess
Twitter: mdsummcrs
Goodreads: thebookishgoddess


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