Bookworms Unite PH – Year 4 + Relaunch Giveaway!

Is it too late to write my own recap? I certainly hope not! While I may not have taken as many pictures as I should have (mainly because I was so focused on having fun I hardly had time to bury my face in my phone the whole event), I will be able to share some of the amazing things that occurred in Bookworms Unite PH’s fourth gathering! 
This was my first time attending, and the first time I’ve ever heard of Bookworms Unite PH at all. So I was so ecstatic when I saw the event pop up somewhere on my Facebook feed. And the whole time I was pre-registering, I kept asking myself over and over like a broken record, “Why have I never heard of you beautiful people before?” I’ve never been more happy than I was when I finally clicked that registration button. I wasted no time paying for that registration fee too because I was so psyched into attending. 
And lo and behold, it was everything I’ve ever hoped for in a gathering full of crazy-awesome book lovers! I’ll get into some of the more important highlights, and hopefully, don’t bore you with my dabbling.
Also, there’s a GIVEAWAY down below that you might wanna check out! :’)
Let’s get onto it, shall we?


Upon Arrival

I was one of the first seven to arrive on the 21st of July in the Rizal Library. I actually almost got lost the whole way into Ateneo, and had actually met Mighta (@MightaZerie) beforehand. We went into it together, and soon we met the rest of our crew. The whole time waiting, I was floored by how easily I connected with the other early birds. Cue selfies I took with the lot!

First two photos on the left: Top is with Ailla (@MioneJeanPotter), Bottom is with Shai (@themeanderingsoul)
Three photos to the right: Top is with Angel (@whimsy_wanders), Bottom left is with Mighta (@MightaZerie) and Bottom right is with Joanna (@JoannaDerpina)

We’ve pretty much called ourselves #LADYBIRDS considering how we were the early birds of the event. And let me tell you, meeting these gals was perhaps (and I’ve said it once on Twitter) one of the best that’s ever happened on BUPH. Getting to meet a group of girls that I instantly connected with through our love of books makes me thank BUPH for creating such a fun-loving event!

Apart from meeting such fantastic ladies, I managed to get some awesome swag from my little registration kit, which you can find some of them surrounding Reign of the Fallen below!



The Games

There were, essentially, three games during this whole event. And, believe it or not, I actually placed a spot in all three of them! 

I joined the first game: Truths and a Lie: YA Edition with Angel and Shai as my teammates. And we easily took one of the first place of two with all our lucky guesses. My first price was Our Dark Duet by V.E. Schwab which was such a lucky pick! 

The second game was Young Adulting: A YA Trivia Game which I teamed up with Mighta and Ailla and placed third on. Now, for the record, these were all pretty lucky guesses too, since we haven’t read nearly half of what they presented. But lucky guesses gets people places sometimes, so hooray! I got Reign of the Fallen by Sarah Glenn Marsh as my second prize of the day.

And the final game was an absolute clincher, because we did a Guess the Cover game and let me tell you, oh boyyyyy, this one was the toughest game of all. The hosts did not make it easy, but somehow, back with the OG team of myself, Angel and Shai, we managed to place fourth by a landslide. I got Rookie on Love by Tavi Gevinson as my final win of the day!

From left to right: Fragile Eternity by Melissa Marr, Don’t Look Back by Jennifer L. Armentrout, Heart of Glass by Jill Marie Landis, All We Can Do Is Wait by Richard Lawson, The Last Girl On Earth by Alexandra Blogier, Rookie On Love by Tavi Gevinson, Puddin’ by Julie Murphy, Our Dark Duet by V.E. Schwab, and Reign of the Fallen by Sarah Glenn Marsh


But Wait, There’s More!

Of course, how can I forget the amazing Book Blind Datethat occurred after the whole mayhem of games and fun? I gave out two books for the blind date, and received two back! 

Though if we’re being honest, I got (3) because one of the guests gave me one of the books she got from the blind date pile. I unfortunately forgot her name, and I wish I had gotten it, because she was so generous into giving me my third one, which had a description about the 1800′s, and I could not believe my luck because I love books about the 1800′s!

The books I got for the Book Blind Date are: Heart of Glass by Jill Marie Landis (the 1800′s book, thank you ate girl, I really wish I got your name ahhh), Don’t Look Back by Jennifer L. Armentrout, and Fragile Eternity by Melissa Marr.

These were such fantastic books and I cannot wait to read them!


The Hosts

I can’t close up this recap without thanking the generous and awesome-sauce hosts of Bookworms Unite PH: JM (@bookfreakrevelations), Hazel (@staybookish), Inah (@thebibliophileconfessions), Miel (@bookishandawesome) and Bianca (@notoriouslaylow)!

This event would not be possible without all of their amazing effort into allowing bookworms like me gather with other bookworms in a safe and fun environment! I truly cannot thank you guys enough for all your hard work. Y’all are the real MVP! And I can’t wait to see you guys in this year’s Philippine Readers and Writers Festival happening on August 12. Me and my #ladybirds will come along as one of the firsts once more! :’)

From left to right: Miel, JM, Inah, Hazel (insert Bianca omg where u at gurl)


Relaunch Giveaway !
the honest to Merlin one y’all have been waiting for

I salute you for reading through that very long and arduous recap. Or if you didn’t read it, that’s also fine, #noshame! But here we are, and to celebrate the relaunch of thebookishgoddess, I have decided to host a little giveaway for all the amazing support I have gotten from my friends (new and old) and old followers here on Tumblr for my little return. This giveaway is to share one of the wonderful books I have gotten from BUPH, so!

ONE (1) lucky bookworm will get a chance to win my ARC copy of THE LAST GIRL ON EARTH BY ALEXANDRA BLOGIER and A BUTTON PIN OF CHIBI HARRY POTTER!

I’m throwing in Harry in there just for a little extra, and to celebrate his upcoming birthday this July 31st! And here’s some fun stuff, this is open INTERNATIONALLY! Also, if you’re underaged, please ask for permission from your parents. I don’t want the coppers coming after me if your parents find out a stranger on the internet sends you stuff, haha!


Giveaway Rules

Giveaway ends on 8/7 at GMT+8 (a day before my birthday)! Winners will be chosen via random generator. The winner must respond within 48 hours upon contacting them, otherwise their winning spot will be given to another bookworm!

Thanks so much for reading, and see you all very soon! :’)


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