The Bookish Goddess on WordPress!

After several weeks of trying to get the very gist of WordPress, I am happy to say that I will now be blogging on this platform and leaving the recesses of good ol’ Tumblr to rot (or to be archived, which sounds so much better). 

The choice to move to WordPress was no easy feat. It required a lot of scattered planning, brainstorming and plopping my anxiety left and right with this platform move. But the end result is surprisingly easier than I expected. Clearly I’m babbling now, so let’s get to the breakdowns of things, shall we?


Why did you move to WordPress?

I definitely felt like I was getting left behind. There are not a lot of book bloggers such as myself on Tumblr that focuses purely on blogging, and I felt like a bit of a loner because of that, I think. Everyone’s doing awesome things on WordPress and commenting on stuff of other bloggers and it looked much more fun than Tumblr.

I’ve only just recently added Disqus on my previous blog just so people can actually put comments on my posts because the platform does not offer that at all. There’s just many features on there that did not exist unlike the one in WordPress. Believe me, I had actually dreaded having to move all of 71 posts from Tumblr to WordPress just because it seemed like so much work. But then I saw the whole “syncing” option from Tumblr to WordPress, and I was blown away.

Plus, let’s be real. All the cool bloggers are either on WordPress or Bloglovin’, so I might as well jump into the fray. Which was quite a stressful move because I had to maneuver this new land with both eyes open and prodding at things that should not be clicked, haha! But I honestly feel much better blogging here than on Tumblr because I get to communicate better with other book bloggers, which is always fun when you aren’t procrastinating over the next blog post. 


New platform, new you. What are some of the newer things you had in mind?

Honestly, I have been thinking of “rebranding” myself since I’m moving to a new platform. But then I realized, I love the brand I have for myself right now. I’ll still be the girl that loves to write and fangirl over books, but I think I’ll definitely expand to more horizons other than just posting about books.

Some of the newer things I had in mind that aren’t exactly definite, but I’m considering are:

  • More fandom-centric stuff! I am absolutely passionate books and for without them, I would never be in so many fandoms. There are also fandoms outside of books that I thoroughly enjoy and I want to share my love for the fandoms that I adore through sharing fanfics I enjoyed, ships I sail, and every other madness that comes with it. I want this blog to be something of my own, and not just in the realm of books, but also to share some of things that I love directly connected to it or not.

  • More posts about writing. It’s funny how a writer doesn’t write stuff about, well, writing. I admit I’m not the most active writer in the world, and frankly, it has been ages since I started anything original (can we all blame my job collectively? yes, yes we can). But now that I’m moving to WordPress, I’m hoping it will help me become a bit more creative–blog-post writing wise and work in progress writing wise. I’ll be writing posts about how writers have no idea what they’re doing 90% of the time, share some of the ideas I have for an upcoming WIP, playlists to get you into the writing mood and all others. I think it’s about time I actually do some writing, yes? (cue my father tossing my old WIP’s at my face yIKES)

  • More book recommendations! I know it’s not the most original idea, but ever since my #Project14Lists post about recommendations of books for your non-reader friends, I thought it would be a fun idea to start putting out recommendations out there every once in a while, whether it’s books I’ve already read or ones I’ve yet to. It’s always fun to share one’s love of reading in any shape or form. 


Ahh, did I also mention more expressive gifs on posts because sometimes words cannot express my thoughts? I am so happy to be on WordPress now. I think it’s going to take a lot of adjusting, but I definitely believe I’ll have a lot of fun blogging here from now on.

If you have any WordPress tips that you’re willing to share, I’d love to get a word or two because ya girl is still walking on eggshells around this place, haha!

Till’ the next post!


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